Adaptive Programming Survey

Please help us determine the accommodations needed for people with disabilities to fully participate in physical activity programs.

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Personal information
Optional: tell us who you are and how to contact you

Surveying activities that would be of interest to you.

Would you be interested in hiking, but there is some reason you are unable?  Please describe your level of interest, how often you are able to hike, and what makes it more accessible to you.

Would you be interested in rock climbing, but there is some reason you are unable?  Please describe your level of interest, how often you are able to rock climb, and what makes it more accessible to you.

Would you be interested in stand up paddleboarding, but there is some reason you are unable?  Please describe your level of interest, how often you are able to stand up paddleboard, and what makes it more accessible to you.

Please list any other physical activity types that you are interested in participating in.  If it is an activity already offered with Active SWV  Community Captains, do you participate?  If not, why?  How could participation be more accessible for more people? 

What needs or adaptations to the above activity types would be necessary to accommodate your participation?

To whatever extent you are comfortable sharing, let us know if you have a disability or condition that makes participating in physical activity programming difficult for you.  Describe what needs you have, concerns with participation, safety issues, anything you feel is pertinent to helping us describe a need we are attempting to meet. 

Can you describe for us questions that are ok to ask in terms of essential eligibility criteria for participation.  We want to consider safety while being as open to diverse participation as possible.  How can we ensure that participants are not taking on undue risk by being unable to do certain things for participating.  

For example:  To participate in Stand Up Paddleboarding, it is essential that participants are able to create a closed airway or hold their breath if they fall into the water.  

Another example:  Participants need to be able to give and receive communication with volunteers.  

In a perfect world, how would things look for anyone to be able to participate in hiking? 

In a perfect world, how would participation accessible to all look for rock climbing? 

In a perfect world, how would Stand Up Paddleboarding be made accessible to the most participants? 

Give us any information that you feel is important to guide our efforts to increase adaptive program options with Active SWV

What questions are we not asking?  Help us be more inclusive in our thinking and program development.